Chantix (Varenicline)

Chantix (Varenicline) blog
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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Varenicline - Day 3

Well today didn't really seem promising. I had lunch out at my parents' so I had 3 cigarettes before I got there, then had lunch, then a cigarette. After lunch we played Uno and watched TV for a while so it was probably 3 hours or so before I had another cigarette.

Unlike the other afternoons though, this one felt normal. The other ones I had in the afternoon and evening seemed pretty normal too. I'm kinda curious if this had something to do with having 3 cigarettes before I took the pill or if it had something to do with waiting several hours after the pill before I had another cigarette. Anyway I hope the pills are working and I hope they work better when I start taking two a day tomorrow.

Next Monday is the day I plan/hope to stop smoking.

No weird dreams to report last night either. At least none that I remember. And honestly, the one about the Blazer and the house in Bellaire isn't all that weird. It was what I was dreaming about right before I woke up though so it was still pretty vivid in my mind.


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