Chantix (Varenicline)

Chantix (Varenicline) blog
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Chantix - Day 5

Man I had trouble sleeping last night. I don't know if it was the pills or the fact that I slept until 3:00 yesterday. I went to bed a little after 1:00 because I was tired then, but it was well after 2:00 when I finally got to sleep. Then I kept waking up during the night. I think part of this is that my mattress is sagging in the middle and if I try to sleep on my stomach then it bends my back too much and hurts. I'll see what I can do about that tonight.

I had lots of dreams last night that I kept waking up during, which made them seem more vivid. I can remember two of them. One was that I was at my old high school hanging around with a bunch of the people on the football, basketball, and volleyball teams. We all went into the "old" gym at the school to watch a basketball game. The floor was made out of brick though so the players were having a hard time dribbling. Then we all headed out for a Pirates of the Caribbean trip. We were all dressed up like pirates and we were supposed to be the crew of one ship. We marched up to the Canadian border (I don't know exactly where, but we set up camp by the St. Lawrence River) and were getting ready to go to sleep for the night when a couple more crews of pirates showed up. We were supposed to be meeting them. We were all going to march together along the Canadian border and then we'd get on our ships and head to England. I asked one of the other guys how long this would all last, and he said "about 2 years." I realized that I couldn't stay gone that long 'cause I had to pay my mortgage. So I abandoned them in the middle of the night and walked to my parents' house (which was surprisingly close to the Canadian border).

In the other dream I was watching a baseball game (it may have been a high school game) and was sitting in the bleachers. I was by myself except for some hispanic guy with his wife and a couple annoying kids. For some reason it was the bottom of the ninth and the home team was already winning 3-1 with two guys on, but they couldn't be declared the winner because nobody had gotten a hit yet. The coach drove through the dugout fence in his Gator 4x4 (which was completely unnecessary since the fence was chain-link and we could plainly see and hear what was going on in there) and yelled "Alex, we need you to suit up!" The hispanic guy, who was apparently was also named Alex, got up and went to his car and put on a uniform. He went up to bat, got a hit, and then the game was over.


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