Chantix - Day 7
I put the foam topper back on the mattress last night. I did sleep better through the night, but I had a little trouble getting to sleep. I know I wanted a cigarette really bad while I was lying there. I'm not sure if it was worse to try to get to sleep with the craving, or with the stimulant effect of the nicotine.
I don't remember any of the dreams from last night. I woke up a little earlier than normal 'cause I had a friend coming over to see my house and go out to lunch. I had the first cigarette about an hour after I woke up, and the next one was after lunch 1½ hours later.
A little background before I go on - I'm not a chain smoker. I started smoking cigarettes right around the time I turned 18 and have never tried to quit. I had been smoking less than a pack a day usually. Maybe 15 cigarettes, depending on how long I was awake and what else was going on. If I had no reason not to, I would usually have one an hour. I had no problem holding off as long as I had something else going on - like working on my car or building something or just anything that had my complete attention. I would smoke more though if I was outside or driving for any length of time. There were days when I was playing golf and could go through a pack (for the day - not the round).
So today I was able to keep all the cigarettes 1½ hours apart, and the cravings were not as bad as yesterday. I had read about the drug after I got it and I knew it was supposed to quell the pleausrable sensations from smoking, but I forgot that it is also supposed to control cravings. I'm glad that's working and I'm gonna try 2 hours tomorrow and see if I can do it. I'm down to my last pack now, and if I keep cutting back that should last me through Monday.
No more after that.
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